Frequently Asked Questions
General information & access
What are your opening hours?
Pewsham Community Centre is bookable between 8am and 10pm Sunday through Thursday, and 8am to 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
How do I get into the centre for my booking?
You will receive a key safe code 3 days before your booking. Use the key to unlock the building by turning it twice. The same process locks the building and activates the alarm when leaving.
What facilities are available?
Our community centre has a main hall, domestic kitchen, entrance hall, toilets (including accessible facilities), storage cupboards, and a small outdoor area which is a mixture of grass and hardstanding.
What equipment is included in the hire?
Available equipment includes:
- 15 small tables (76cm × 90cm × 67cm) and 10 large tables (72cm × 90cm × 67cm)
- Chairs
- Basic speaker system
- TV screen
- Kitchen equipment (small oven, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, basic utensils, and crockery)
- Extension lead in storeroom 1 for additional reach
- 15 small tables (76cm × 90cm × 67cm) and 10 large tables (72cm × 90cm × 67cm)
- Chairs
- Basic speaker system
- TV screen
- Kitchen equipment (small oven, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, basic utensils, and crockery)
- Extension lead in storeroom 1 for additional reach
Do you have parking facilities?
There are no formally allocated parking spaces for Pewsham Community Centre, but a free public car park is directly outside the building.
What is the capacity of the hall?
The main hall capacity varies by setup:
- Seated at table in 'U' shape: 54 people
- Seated closely in rows: 84 people
- Seated at tables with dancing: 68 people
- Dancing (no tables): 96 people
There are no formally allocated parking spaces for Pewsham Community Centre, but a free public car park is directly outside the building.
What is the capacity of the hall?
The main hall capacity varies by setup:
- Seated at table in 'U' shape: 54 people
- Seated closely in rows: 84 people
- Seated at tables with dancing: 68 people
- Dancing (no tables): 96 people
Booking & Payment
How do I check availability and make a booking?
Visit the Calendar page on this website to check availability. You can then go ahead and complete a booking form. All booking requests require users to register with this site. Once registered, you can view and manage your bookings, quickly add new bookings and view any invoices you have been issued.
What are your rates?
We offer different rates depending on the type of booking:
- One-off bookings: £15 per hour (divisible into 15-minute segments at £3.75)
- Registered charities and regular users: £11 per hour
What's the difference between one-off and regular bookings?
- One-off bookings are for single events like parties, workshops, or meetings
- Regular bookings are for recurring events (weekly, monthly)
When is payment required?
- One-off bookings: Full payment required at time of booking
- Regular bookings: On a monthly basis
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payment for regular and one-off payment via SumUp. Each transaction automatically generates a confirmation and receipt. If you're unable to use SumUp, please contact before making your booking.
What happens if I need to cancel my booking?
If you need to cancel with less than one week’s notice, the full charge still applies.
Usage & Requirements
Can I serve alcohol?
Yes, but if alcohol is being sold or included in a ticket price/suggested donation, you must obtain a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) from Wiltshire Council at least 10 working days before the event.
- No alcohol may be sold or provided to under-18s or anyone appearing intoxicated.
- More information on applying for a TEN can be found at:"
- No alcohol may be sold or provided to under-18s or anyone appearing intoxicated.
- More information on applying for a TEN can be found at:"
Can we use the kitchen facilities?
Yes, the kitchen is included in your booking and includes a domestic oven, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, and hot water heater. There is a small amount of cutlery and crockery.
What are the cleaning requirements?
- Leave all spaces as found
- Sweep floors and clean surfaces used
- Return furniture and equipment to cupboards
- Remove all rubbish or place in designated bin
- Basic cleaning equipment is provided
Are bouncy castles allowed?
Yes, but bouncy castles must comply with our Bouncy Castle Booking Agreement form which can be found in the documents section at the bottom of every page on this website. Please review this document before booking, as it includes specific safety requirements. The main hall has a maximum height clearance of 2.5m due to beams. You must use a fully insured company and accept supervision responsibility as outlined in the form.
What do I need to do before leaving?
- Clean and return all furniture and equipment to storage.
- Wipe down tables, wipe up any spills and sweep floors.
- Remove decorations and any white tac.
- Empty rubbish into the red outdoor bin (key in the first aid cupboard found in the kitchen). If the outside bin is full, please take your rubbish with you.
- Turn off all electrical appliances and set radiators to number 1.
- Lock all doors and windows.
- Lock up and set the alarm by turning the key twice.
- Return the key to the key safe.
Support & Additional Information
Can I arrange to view the venue before booking?
Yes, we can arrange a mutually convenient appointment for you to be shown around the centre. Contact or call 01249 658180 to arrange a visit.
What support do you offer to community groups?
We offer reduced rates for registered charities and community groups that regularly use the centre, plus FREE promotion of events on the centre notice board outside the entrance to the building and via our One Chippenham community website.
You can find out more about adding your details onto One Chippenham here. You can put a copy of your flyer/leaflet through the post box at the centre but please send an email to to let us know when you have done this.
You can find out more about adding your details onto One Chippenham here. You can put a copy of your flyer/leaflet through the post box at the centre but please send an email to to let us know when you have done this.
Are there any noise restrictions?
Yes, to respect our neighbours:
- Music must end by 22:00 Sunday-Thursday.
- Music must end by 11:00pm Friday-Saturday.
- Please keep noise at a considerate level at all times.
Yes, to respect our neighbours:
- Music must end by 22:00 Sunday-Thursday.
- Music must end by 11:00pm Friday-Saturday.
- Please keep noise at a considerate level at all times.
Are there any restrictions on types of events?
We welcome most types of events but cannot accommodate:
- Events that may cause excessive noise or disturbance
- Activities that may damage the facilities
- Events that conflict with our community values
- Political rallies or controversial events
How do I provide feedback or raise concerns?
Please email or call 01249 658180 between 9am and 4.30pm weekdays. For urgent issues during an event or outside the normal working week please call: 07557 505140. Please note this number is to be used for urgent issues or emergencies only.